State Level CDBG)
After the passing of the Housing Economic and Recovery Act, Langton Consulting reengaged the Community Development industry by forming partnerships to assist local governments with the implementation of their Neighborhood Stabilization Program.
State Level CDBG
After the passing of the Housing Economic and Recovery Act, Langton Consulting reengaged the Community Development industry by forming partnerships to assist local governments with the implementation of their Neighborhood Stabilization Program. In the first round of funding, Langton Consulting performed administrative tasks for four non-entitlement communities and two entitlement communities. Two communities requested Langton Consulting to assist them in writing their applications for NSP2 funding. With those NSP1 programs coming to a close, Langton Consulting was selected by the Florida Department of Community Affairs to provide Technical Assistance to eight NSP communities whose programs they funded. Of the eight communities at risk of recapture that were provided Technical Assistance, Langton Consulting assisted these communities to commit their dollars prior to the deadline and two of the communities were awarded additional funds due to their progress and the efficacy of their program design.
City of Jacksonville
Langton Consulting were selected by the City of Jacksonville’s Housing and Neighborhoods Department to be the lead consultants for their NSP team. Langton Consulting worked with the Project Director and staff to implement a $26 million project that acquired over 70 homes for rehabilitation. Areas of focus were in homebuyer identification, program compliance and reporting, pre-audit file review among other areas of responsibility.
Lake County
Langton Consulting assisted in initializing Lake County’s NSP. From initial process flow to file maintenance and program compliance, Langton Consulting involvement was critical to the success of the county’s program. Moreover, Langton Consulting worked with the Director and staff to develop and submit an application for NSP 2 funding.