Consolidated Planning
For the development of the 2011-2015 Consolidated Plan, Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) selected Langton Consulting to coordinate and assist in the compilation of data and information that would make up the Plan.
Over the course of many months, Langton Consulting coordinated with state agencies and the Department and staff to execute workshops, working groups and surveys to develop the initial stages of input. Langton Consulting focused on developing the narratives of the Citizen’s Participation Plan, Impediments to Fair Housing, Barriers to Affordable Housing, Lead Based Paint, Special Needs and Anti-Poverty, Public and Assisted Housing as well as the Public Housing Strategy sections. This involved coordinating with various stakeholders and compiling data from copious sources to develop a narrative as well as visual aides.
In coordination with DCA staff, Langton Consulting reviewed and edited the document for preparation prior to submittal to HUD. Recommendations from advocates as well as agencies were developed and reviewed for effectiveness and efficacy, edited and then made part of the final document. Statistics from the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey were also developed into visualizations such as maps, graphs and charts.
Other Consolidated Plans and HUD Required Plans:
• City of Fort Pierce 2011-2015 Consolidated Plan
• Seminole County 2016-2020 Consolidated Plan
• City of Sanford 2016-2020 Consolidated Plan
• City of Pompano Beach 2016-2020 Consolidated Plan
• State of Florida (DEO) 2015 Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice
• State of Florida (DEO) 2016-2020 Consolidated Plan